MTP: Episode 88

Hello friends or, since it’s Halloween, perhaps hello FIENDS! (Sometimes I crack myself up. But not this time.) In any event, no tricks for such a great audience, just lots of treats in the form of a bag full of real, grownup music. In particular, we are pleased to welcome first-time artists Paper Pilots, Hollerado,…

MTP: Episode 87

Hello and a hearty welcome back to all you friends and fans of the program. We’re already half way through October and it’s time to share another 60-ish minutes of real, grown-up music with you. Behold the Marking Time Podcast Episode 87, an instant classic bookended by two great Canadian artists (Sam Roberts Band and Arcade…

MTP: Episode 86

Hello friends and fans! Welcome to another amazing hour of real, grown-up music courtesy of the MTP. Once again, we’ve assembled some excellent tracks, both new and not-so-new, to tantalize your ears and engage your senses. In many ways, the Marking Time Podcast Episode 86 is the culmination of the past five years and previous 85 programs:…